Blog: Car Accidents
- Sleep Apnea Raises Risk Of Drowsy Driving Crashes
March 10, 2022
Read MoreApril 17, 2020 Sleep apnea is a devastating sleep disorder defined by interrupted respiration and abnormally loud snoring. Those who suffer from sleep apnea might experience headaches and excessive drowsiness during the daytime hours. Obesity, use of cigarettes, having a neck size greater than 17 inches, and being over the age of 40 are the […]
- States With Stricter Distracted Driving Laws Have Fewer Fatal Car Accidents Involving Teen Drivers
March 10, 2022
Read MoreAugust 10, 2020 Since the advent of cellphones and other handheld electronic devices, distracted driving has become a growing public safety concern across the United States. In 2018, it resulted in 2,841 traffic fatalities and an estimated 400,000 injuries nationwide. Like many other states, Pennsylvania has a statewide texting and driving ban that is enforced as a primary law. […]
- Ways To Stay Safe Around Aggressive Drivers
March 10, 2022
Read MoreSeptember 17, 2020 According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there has been a notable increase in aggressive driving and road rage since the 1990s. The leading causes for aggressive driving and road rage include: Delays in traffic. Drivers may become impatient when encountering road construction, an accident scene, or other cause of traffic congestion. […]
- Types Of Accidents That Occur In Parking Lots
March 09, 2022
Read MoreOctober 16, 2020 Parking lot injuries are very common and studies underscore the risks. One found that 30 percent of all pedestrian accidents happen in parking lots. Another found that elderly drivers were 17 times more likely to cause a crash in a parking lot than on a road. Pedestrians have no protection, even against […]
- Distracted Drivers Endanger Other Road Users And Passengers, Despite Passenger Complaints
March 09, 2022
Read MoreFebruary 10, 2021 These days, it takes a significant amount of willpower for drivers to avoid picking up their cellphones. Digital handheld devices offer a wide range of conveniences — from making phone calls to browsing social media. Responsible drivers can wait until they get to their destinations before checking their notifications. Other drivers can’t […]
- Hit-And-Runs Becoming An Epidemic In Philly
March 09, 2022
Read MoreSeptember 28, 2021 A Philadelphia car accident lawyer explains In Philadelphia, hit-and-run accidents are an epidemic. About 1 in 4 crashes in Philadelphia are a hit-and-run, according to ABC6. On average, more than 16,000 fail-to-stay crashes happen in the city each year. Pedestrian accidents are too often fatal, and hit-and-run crashes account for about 20% of pedestrian deaths every […]
- Facial Injuries Are Common In Serious Car Accidents
March 09, 2022
Read MoreOctober 26, 2021 Our Philadelphia car accident lawyers explain Car accidents often cause painful and serious injuries. Some of the most common – and most severe – types of injuries people suffer in motor vehicle accidents are facial injuries, according to a medical study conducted by surgeons and doctors in Philadelphia. “Facial trauma was the single most common […]
- Bringing Headlights Into The 21st Century
March 09, 2022
Read MoreNovember 23, 2021 With all of the advances in motor vehicle safety, it is hard to believe no one was paying attention to headlights. Federal government standards for headlights, for instance, have remained essentially the same as they were in 1968. Then, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) called attention to the issue. In 2016, […]
- Parking Lot Accidents And Injuries Spike During The Holidays
March 09, 2022
Read MoreA Philadelphia Car Accident Lawyer Discusses the Dangers Parking lots may seem tame, but they are frequently the site of bad car accidents — especially around the holidays. In fact, car insurance companies say that claims start to spike on Black Friday and continue throughout the holiday season. Each year, tens of thousands of car accidents happen […]
- "Want to thank all of you once again not only for your professional services but your friendship and feeling like family through all of these past four years as we fought to rebuild Stefanie's life. I could not have made a better choice for helping us through this ordeal."
- "They are all very helpful, caring and they do everything to try to make sure you as a client are OK and get you what you deserve. I would recommend them to anyone. They are a great law firm."
- "I will happily be recommending your firm to anyone who may need your help in the future because of Jen, Eric and Brian."
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